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Logotipo de Patagonia on Foot


Mame the most of your winter in Bariloche

Educational Focus.

Un grupo de personas durante una expedición en kayak en el canal de Beagle, Ushuaia

Patagonia on Foot is the First Outdoor Education School in Latin America, and we are proud to be leaders in creating innovative and transformative educational experiences using nature as a classroom.

Strategic Alliances.

Personas hacen trekking en el cráter de un volcán durante la expedición Es Ahora de Patagonia On Foot

The quality of the education we offer is backed by strategic alliances with leading universities,that allow us to keep  updated academic programs andensure our graduates are prepared to meet the challenges of the world.

- Universities that trust us -

Un grupo de personas hace trekking en el Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi durante la expedición Líderes 2030 de Patagonia On Foot en las cercanías de Bariloche.

Join us on our expeditions and be part of the change towards a future Conscious and sustainable.

Learning by Doing.

Un grupo de personas cruza el glaciar Alerce en el cerro Tronador, en el Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, en Argentina.

It is essential to have people capable of acting in contexts of uncertainty and making decisions in adverse situations, and that is what we encourage on expeditions. The experience of displaying leadership skills, teamwork, coordination and cooperation in natural environments is a unique experience that is impossible to generate within the traditional classroom setting.


Transformative education expands the gaze towards new perspectives and promotes personal and social development.

Take your next step: Chose your Expedition.

Un grupo de personas camina en la montaña rodeados de nieve en medio de una nube.

Expedition Horizonte U

Bariloche I +20 y.o. I February

Expedition Es Ahora

San Martín de los Andes I +30 y.o. I January

Un grupo hace yoga a la costa de un lago en la Patagonia
Un grupo hace trekking en el Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi

Expedition Pausa

Bariloche I April

Tailored Programs

We craft your next hike in Patagonia

Un grupo de personas en las montañas de Bariloche
Dos personas hacen rapel ruante una actividad outdoor para organizaciones.


Personalized Outdoor Education Programs

Educative Institutions

We design your Outdoor Ed Program in Patagonia

Un grupo de personas hace trekking durante una expedición educativa de montaña
Un grupo de personas hace trekking durante una expedición de montaña de la universidad Torcuato Di Tella y Patagonia on foot

UTDT University

Exclusivo MBA Universidad Torcuato Di Tella

UM University

Exclusivo IEEM Bussines School

Un grupo de la Universidad de Montevideo posa junto a una bandera junto a un lago de montaña durante una expedición de montaña con Patagonia on foot
Un persona haciendo snowboard en el Cerro Catedral en Bariloche


Make the most of it with Us

The first step doesn't take you where you want to go, but it gets you out of where you are.

  • WhatsApp | Patagonia on Foot | Bariloche, Argentina
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